22.04.17, 17:58

Russian serviceman’s body with cut-pierced bodily injuries found in Gyumri, suspect arrested

Russian serviceman’s body with cut-pierced bodily injuries found in Gyumri, suspect arrested
On April 22, 2017 a call was received informing that a young man’s body was discovered near the shop “Argo” operating at 4, Dudko, town Gyumri.

The investigatory-operative group immediately left for the site. The body of serviceman of the 102th Russian military base located in Gyumri 21 year-old Dmitri Yalpayev with cut-pierced bodily injuries was found at the site. In the result of taken measures the person having committed the apparent crime was identified, he was found and arrested. Necessary investigatory actions are currently conducted in his presence.

A criminal case was initiated according to the Article 104 of RA Criminal Code. By the instruction of the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee preliminary investigation of the criminal case is conducted in the proceeding of RA IC General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases.

Through preliminary investigation it was found that the suspect suffers from some mental health problems. Particularly, during the military service – in November, 2016 he had committed self-mutilation for several times and was taken to psychiatric ward of Yerevan garrison hospital of the RA Ministry of Defense for specialized examination. Military medical and forensic psychiatric ambulatory complex examination was commissioned against him.  

On March 9, 2017 conclusion N 12 was received in the 9th Garrison Investigative Unit of RA IC General Military Investigative Department pursuant to which during the examination some mental disorders were found, he was found limited sane and unfit for military service at peacetime. By the order of Minister of Defense he was discharged in March, 2017.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing, additional information on investigation results will be provided.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.