19.11.15, 12:40

Samson Ghazaryan reconciled with the suspect; the latter apologized, proceeding of criminal case terminated

Samson Ghazaryan reconciled with the suspect; the latter apologized, proceeding of criminal case terminated

The proceeding of the criminal case initiated on the base of Samson Ghazaryan’s report was terminated in the Investigative Division of Arabkir administrative district of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee. The latter told that he had reconciled with the suspect.

On October 21, 2015 a written report was submitted by Samson Ghazaryan informing that he had been subjected to battery.

On the base of the materials prepared to verify the circumstances pointed in the report, a criminal case was initiated in the Investigative Division of Arabkir administrative district of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee according to the Article 118 of RA Criminal Code.

In the framework of the criminal case necessary investigatory actions – interrogations, face to face interrogations were conducted to provide the comprehensive, objective and complete investigation of circumstances of the case.

S. Ghazaryan was found an injured party, the alleged suspect was identified, a number of circumstances were found.

According to the result of forensic medical examination commissioned in the framework of the criminal case no bodily injuries were found on S. Ghazaryan’s skin and visible mucous membrane at the moment of conduction of medical examination.

In response to mass media queries we clarify that during additional interrogation S. Ghazaryan told that he had reconciled with the suspect. Stating that the suspect has accepted his fault and regrets, the injured party has mentioned that he does not have any property claim, complaint against him. During the additional interrogation the suspect also told that he had apologized to Samson Ghazaryan, the latter forgave him and did not object to terminating the criminal proceeding against him on the base of reconciliation.

According to the Article 183 of RA Criminal Procedure Code the cases on crime envisaged by the Article 118 of RA Criminal Code are initiated on the base of the complaint of the injured party and they are subject to be terminated if the injured party reconciles with the suspect or the defendant or the accused.

Based on the materials of the criminal case and being guided by RA Criminal Procedure Code the investigator made a decision to terminate the proceeding of the criminal case on the base of reconciliation.