27.01.15, 11:20

The body of Yerevan resident German Voskanyan found buried in the garage; a criminal case initiated

The body of Yerevan resident German Voskanyan found buried in the garage; a criminal case initiated

On 27 January the body of the resident of Yerevan, 47 year-old German Voskanyan was found buried in the garage situated in the yard of the house 39/10 Artashisyan, Yerevan.

A criminal case was initiated in Shengavit Investigative Division according to the Point 1 of the Article 104 of RA Criminal Code. Urgent investigative operations were taken to find the circumstances of murder.

In the framework of the investigation the person having committed the apparent crime was identified. According to the data of preliminary investigation, on 25 January G. Voskanyan was hit at his head with an axe by his 75 year-old father during the row erupted on domestic affairs. On 27 January the latter was arrested on suspicion of murder and confessed.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.