17.11.23, 20:35

The Doors of a Jewish Religious Establishment in Yerevan were Set on Fire and Videotaped by a Foreigner in order to Incite Apparent National, Religious Hostility. A New Criminal Proceeding was Initiated

The Doors of a Jewish Religious Establishment in Yerevan were Set on Fire and Videotaped by a Foreigner in order to Incite Apparent National, Religious Hostility. A New Criminal Proceeding was Initiated

On November 15, 2023 a report was received informing that on the same day at about 06:00 an unknown person caused pecuniary damage by setting on fire the entrance doors of the ground and first floors of the building located at 23 Nar-Dos Street , Yerevan.

With regard to the case a criminal proceeding was initiated in the Investigative Division of Erebuni and Nubarashen administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee according to the Point 2 of the Part 2 of the Article 264 of RA Criminal Code.

In the course of preliminary investigation inspection of the scene was conducted, a number of people were questioned. A relevant expertise was commissioned to find out the volume of the pecuniary damage caused. The Police were assigned to take operative-intelligence measures to find out circumstances of interest to the investigation, to find the person having committed the alleged crime.

In the course of preliminary investigation of the criminal proceeding it was found out that the building located at the mentioned address is a building used for Jewish religious purposes.

Factual data were obtained that the person having carried out the above-mentioned actions is a person who does not live in the Republic of Armenia and is not a RA citizen who, pursuant to the received data, immediately left the RA area after the above-mentioned crime had been committed.

Data were also obtained that the mentioned criminal acts had been videotaped by the latter. Through examination of the video, as well as through other factual circumstances it was found out that the latter, with the intent to incite racial, national, ethnic, religious hostility committed the alleged crime by destroying or damaging cultural values, the mentioned videos were inserted and disseminated on the Telegram Azerbaijani website, the same video was also published on «X» social platform.

Taking into consideration that through investigation data were obtained on damaging cultural values, among them building of religious or ritual significance in order to incite apparent racial, national, ethnic or religious hostility, a new criminal proceeding was initiated according to the Article 146 of RA Criminal Code and the two proceedings were combined in one.

According to investigative subordination, the mentioned criminal proceeding was sent to the Investigative Department of the RA National Security Service to conduct the further investigation.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.