24.06.15, 06:15

The persons, who had been apprehended, were interrogated as a witness and released; forensic medical examination appointed

The persons, who had been apprehended, were interrogated as a witness and released; forensic medical examination appointed

The criminal case initiated by the decision of the Deputy Prosecutor of Arabkir and Qanaqer-Zeytun administrative districts of RA Prosecution Office according to the Part 1 of the Article 258 of RA Criminal Code on the base of the online publication on violation of public order in Baghramyan Street on June 22, 2015, was received in the Investigative Division of Arabkir administrative district of Yerevan Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee.

According to the prosecutor’s decision “Through the examination of the publication of the mass media it was found that on June 22. 2015 beginning from 19:30 a group of persons organizing illegal rally, march, as well as sit-in disrupted the traffic of the public transport, as well as violated many people’s constitutional right to freedom of movement, disturbed the peace, thus they willfully violated the public order expressing disrespect to citizens”.    

The criminal case was sent from the Prosecution Office to Arabkir Investigative Division for preliminary investigation.

By the instruction of the Chairman of RA Investigative Committee, starting from 23 June the proceeding is ongoing in Yerevan Investigative Department. An investigative group was formed. Necessary investigatory actions are conducted to provide the comprehensive examination of circumstances of the case.

At this moment it can be stated that all the persons presented to investigative bodies were interrogated as a witness and were released. 31 persons of those, who were apprehended by the police subdivisions, were not interrogated, 28 of them were summoned to appear on another day to be interrogated and were released. 3 of them were taken to a medical center because of deterioration of their health.

While being interrogated 3 citizens told about the violence used against them and damages they had sustained. Forensic medical examinations were appointed against them.

Calls were received from medical centers informing that 8 more persons with bodily damages were taken to medical centers.

Calls from 14 police officers were also received informing that they had sustained bodily damages and turned to hospital.

Investigation is conducted to find the circumstances of infliction of bodily damages to civilians and policemen.

Additional information on the investigation process will be provided.