29.01.15, 13:45

The results of the forensic examination appointed on the victim Aram Manukyan received

The results of the forensic examination appointed on the victim Aram Manukyan received

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on violence against the Member of Parliament of RA Aram Manukyan committed on 11 December is ongoing in the Investigative Department of Yerevan.

Besides the expert’s conclusion N 2158/հ, the results of the forensic examination appointed on the victim Aram Manukyan were received.

According to forensic evidence, bodily damages sustained by A. Manukyan in the form of brain concussion, traumas and hemorrhages of upper lip, soft tissues of upper and lower eyelids of the right eye were inflicted with blunt object(s), possibly at the mentioned time and circumstances, which inflicted light gravity damage to his health with short-term health disorder.

It was earlier informed that in the framework of the criminal case the Member of Parliament A. Manukyan was found a victim and interrogated.

In the result of the measures taken in the framework of the investigation, the person having committed the apparent crime was identified. On 14 December the police introduced RA citizen Arshak Svazyan to the investigative body on suspicion of committing the mentioned committal.

On the same day the latter gave testimony confessing that on 11 December, 2014 at about 20:00 he entered in advance the house 2/2, Sose St.,Yerevan and at the entrance waited for Aram Manukyan to enter the house. Then in front of the lift doors he punched at the latter’s face and escaped. At that time he had a jacket and trousers of dark color and dark grey woolen hat on.

During the examination of samples conducted on the same day A. Svazyan pointed the scene, the clothes which the suspect was wearing on the day of the case were found and confiscated.

On 19 December, 2014 Arshak Svazyan was pressed a charge according to the Article 117 of RA Criminal Code. He pleaded guilty.

Witnesses were interrogated, as well. The video of the case captured by the camera located at the entrance of the house 2/2, Sose Str., Yerevan was confiscated during the inspection of the scene. Forensic examination on the record was appointed.

Taking the public interest into consideration, we inform that A. Svazyan’s residence and the houses near his flat were searched in the result of which mobile phones were found, confiscated and inspected.

A motion was submitted to the Court of First Instance of Kentron and Norq-Marash administrative districts on getting the decryptions of mobile phone numbers used in confiscated mobile phones. The motion was sufficed and was sent to the appropriate mobile operators for implementation.

In order to receive the availability of mobile phone numbers registered in the name of A. Svazyan and their transcription in the period of the committal, a motion was submitted to the Court of First Instance of Kentron and Norq-Marash administrative districts. The motion was sufficed and sent to mobile operators for implementation.

An inspection was carried out to find out if there were any cameras on the way of A. Svazyan’s escape. During the inspection it was found that there were cameras on two houses located in Sose Str., Yerevan. Through their inspection it was grounded that only the yards and entrances of the houses were captured by them.

Preliminary investigation is under way. Measures are taken to provide the comprehensive examination of the circumstances of the case.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.