22.01.15, 05:43

Valeri Permyakov accepted the charge pressed against him on behalf of the Republic of Armenia

Valeri Permyakov accepted the charge pressed against him on behalf of the Republic of Armenia

Highlighting the right of society to get information, RA Investigative Committee continues providing information on the process of the investigation of the criminal case initiated on murder of the Avetisyan family committed in Gyumri on 12 January, 2015.

The criminal case was initiated according to the Point 1 of the Part 2 of the Article 104 of RA Criminal Code (murder of two or more persons).

During preliminary investigation urgent investigative actions aimed at finding the person having committed the crime and all the circumstances of the crime, such as inspection of the scene, interrogation of more than 3 dozens of witnesses  were implemented by the investigative group formed in RA Investigative Committee, more than a dozen of examinations were appointed, as well.

Other investigative, procedural and operative-intelligence measures were taken.

A decision was made on involving Valeri Permyakov as a defendant in the criminal case and the investigators of RA Investigative Committee pressed a charge against Valeri Permyakov according to the Point 1 of the Part 2 of the Article 104 of RA Criminal Code for willful murder of two and more persons. Valeri Permyakov accepted the charge.

At the same time, responding to some publications in mass media RA Investigative Committee officially declares that preliminary investigation on murder is fully implemented by RA Investigative Committee, investigative and procedural actions in the framework of the case are implemented by the investigators of RA Investigative Committee on the base of the statements of RA Criminal Procedural Code.