    08.12.23, 10:57

    Within Preliminary Investigation LLC Engaged in Trade of Food Products Recovered Amount of Unpaid Tax and Calculated Penalties of about 413.000.000 AMD

    Within Preliminary Investigation LLC Engaged in Trade of Food Products Recovered Amount of Unpaid Tax and Calculated Penalties of about 413.000.000 AMD

    In the result of the procedural actions conducted in the course of the preliminary investigation of a criminal proceeding investigated in General Department of Investigation of Smuggling and Economic Crimes of the RA Investigative Committee, as well as studies conducted by the employees of Tax Information and Risk Analysis Department of the RA State Revenue Committee a new case of tax evasion in particularly large amount was revealed.

    Particularly, through preliminary investigation factual data were obtained on the allegation that the people in charge of the LLC «P.F.» engaged in trade of coffee, oil, pasta and other food products, in order to pay less tax, violating the requirements of the RA Tax Code, between January, 2021 and August, 2022 hid the company’s circulation of about 1 130 000 000 AMD, while selling goods they did not write off tax bills and did not issue control cash machine receipts, as well as involved fake data in the calculations submitted to the tax authority.

    According to the calculation of tax liabilities, value added tax and profit tax in particularly large amount – about 358 000 000 AMD was not paid to the state budget in the mentioned period.

    With regard to the case a new criminal proceeding was initiated in the General Department of Investigation of Smuggling and Economic Crimes of the RA Investigative Committee.

    Under irrefutable facts obtained within the criminal proceeding the director of the LLC «P.F.» has accepted the circumstance of tax evasion in particularly large amount and has completely recovered the amount of the unpaid tax and calculated penalties, which makes 413000000 AMD, in total.

    Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.