03.11.23, 13:15

Within the Framework of the Criminal Proceeding on Tax Evasion 290 Million AMD Paid to the State Budget to Compensate the Damage Caused to the State

Within the Framework of the Criminal Proceeding on Tax Evasion 290 Million AMD Paid to the State Budget to Compensate the Damage Caused to the State

Through preliminary investigation conducted in General Department of Investigation of Smuggling and Economic Crimes of the RA Investigative Committee significant circumstances of fraudulence committed through concealing the real business income, setting a price lower than the amount actually received in the contract to purchase real estate from the building under construction, committed by the developer company for the purpose of tax evasion, were found out.

Particularly, in the result of operative-intelligence measures taken by the employees of the Investigation and Operational Intelligence Department of the RA State Revenue Committee information was obtained on the allegation that the apartments and parking lots from the multi-residential building being built by the developer company, were actually expropriated at a value higher than the amount reflected in the respective contracts. The company’s sales director was arrested on the base of reasonable suspicion of committing a crime.

In the result of large-scale evidentiary and procedural actions, among them searches conducted within the framework of the criminal proceeding initiated in General Department of Investigation of Smuggling and Economic Crimes of the RA Investigative Committee it was found out that in 2023 88 apartments and 19 parking lots were expropriated from the multi-residential building by the appropriate management personnel of the developer company through concluding «Contracts for the right to purchase real estate from the building under construction».

In order to evade from paying taxes in particularly large amount and get income in this way, the actual business incomes, which are the object of taxation and cause the obligation to calculate and pay tax, were deliberately concealed by the appropriate management personnel. Particularly, data not corresponding to the reality were involved in the above-mentioned contracts and the total price of the real estate was reflected in a lower value than the amount actually received for the given property. As a result, damage in particularly large amount - 290.612.819 AMD was caused to the state.

On the base of the facts obtained through investigation charge was pressed against the sales manager of the developer company according to the Point 2 of the Part 3 of the Article 290 of RA Criminal Code.

During the preliminary investigation of the criminal proceeding 290.613.000 AMD was paid to the state budget in order to compensate the damage caused to the state by the company.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.  

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.