Newsfeed from General Military Investigative Department
22.12.23, 14:42

3 of 218 Persons who Died as a Result of Explosion that Took Place in Fuel Warehouse on September 25 in Nagorno Karabakh not Identified Yet; Exhortation to Their Relatives

3 of 218 Persons who Died as a Result of Explosion that Took Place in Fuel Warehouse on September 25 in Nagorno Karabakh not Identified Yet; Exhortation to Their Relatives

The RA Investigative Committee has summed up the interim results of the preliminary investigation of the criminal proceeding investigated in General Military Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee on the explosion that took place on September 25, 2023 in the fuel warehouse located at the area adjacent to Stepanakert-Askeran road in Nagorno Karabakh.

Pursuant to it, in the result of investigative and other procedural actions it was found out that the explosion that took place in the mentioned warehouse caused 218 persons’ death 2 of which were officers of the NK police forces serving in the warehouse, 31 were servicemen among them 9 officers, 5 non-commissioned officers, others were private soldiers.

As a result of the explosion and the fire set after it, at least 120 persons received bodily injuries of various gravities mainly in the form of burns. According to the current data of the investigation, location of 21 persons is unknown.

138 of the dead persons were identified through forensic genetic expertise, 77 – through other investigative and procedural actions.

Within the framework of investigation it is impossible to identify 3 of 218 dead persons, as the relatives of the mentioned persons have not applied yet and have not submitted a sample to commission a forensic genetic expertise in order to perform the necessary authentication.

Those, who have relatives that had been at the scene of the explosion and missed after it, and who have not applied to the investigative body yet, are exhorted to apply to General Military Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee to identify the above-mentioned 3 persons killed as a result of the explosion.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.