26.04.16, 09:32

Circumstances of explosion that took place on the bus on April 25 are found through investigation, version range narrows

Circumstances of explosion that took place on the bus on April 25 are found through investigation, version range narrows

In the framework of the criminal case investigated in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee active and urgent investigatory, operative-intelligence measures are taken together with the RA National Security Service and the Police to find the causes, circumstances of the explosion that took place on bus route N 63 in Halabyan Street late in the evening of April 25.

According to initial data, at the moment of explosion there were 10 people on the bus – the driver and 9 passengers. 2 of them died at the site, 7 sustained different bodily injuries.

Through inspection of the site, in addition to other items significant for the criminal case, a mobile phone card was found.  In the result of joint measures taken with operative-intelligence bodies of National Security Service the identity of the subscriber of the mentioned mobile phone card was established who is a RA citizen, twice previously convicted. Through search conducted on April 26 in his residence in the order defined by law “trotyl” type of explosive, explosive devices (detonator) and different types of electrical equipment were found.

Elements, traces of “trotyl” type of explosive were also found on samples confiscated through inspection of the bus and site which was grounded through initial conclusion of the expertise.

Nine people out of ten who were on the bus at the moment of the explosion – the driver, 7 injured and 1 victim were identified, all of them are RA citizens. In the framework of urgent investigatory actions conducted on the night of April 26, searches, in the order defined by law, were conducted in their apartments as well together with relevant subdivisions of the police. As a result no items of interest for the criminal case were found, their possible relation to the explosion was denied.

Joint measures together with operative-intelligence bodies of National Security Service are taken to identify the subscriber of the phone card and the second body found at the site. The body is impossible to recognize and on the base of the samples DNA examination has been commissioned.

Recordings of cameras available along the bus route N 63 have been confiscated and are examined.

In the result of operative-intelligence joint measures conducted through investigation together with National Security Service it was found that the subscriber of the mobile phone card found at the site had discontented with his relatives over domestic matters and was going to hurt them through explosion.

No data were obtained through investigation and in the result of operative-intelligence measures to draw a hypothesis on international terrorism and terrorism.