05.11.14, 07:57

A criminal case initiated on violence not dangerous for life or health against a representative of authorities

A criminal case initiated on violence not dangerous for life or health against a representative of authorities

On 4 November, 2014 a criminal case was initiated in Goris Investigative Division of Sjuniq Regional Investigative Department on committing violence not dangerous for life or health against the police official.

According to the materials of the criminal case, the inspector of the second division of the sixth squadron of the second officer battalion of the service “traffic police” of RA Police, Captain H. Levonyan and his companion, the inspector of the same division, Captain L. Martirosyan on 4 November, 2014, at about 22:00 while patrolling in a service car attached to the latter, noticed two young men arguing next to the “Children and Youth” centre of Goris.

Performing their official duties envisaged by the Article 2 of the Law “On Police” H. Levonyan and L. Martirosyan parked the car near the mentioned young men and approached them. In answer to the question on the reason of the argument the resident of Goris, S. Tangyan scolded the police official H. Levonyan and punched at the right part of his face.

A criminal case was initiated according to the Part 1 of the Article 316 of RA Criminal Code. S. Tangyan was arrested on 5 November. Examination has been appointed.

Preliminary investigation is underway.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.