12.05.23, 17:23

A Group of People Stole 5500 USD from Resident of Yerevan by Cheating, Kidnapped, Illegally Deprived him and his Father of Freedom and Let Free after Receiving Money for it; Public Criminal Prosecution Initiated against 5 Persons

A Group of People Stole 5500 USD from Resident of Yerevan by Cheating, Kidnapped, Illegally Deprived him and his Father of Freedom and Let Free after Receiving Money for it; Public Criminal Prosecution Initiated against 5 Persons

Through investigation conducted in the Investigative Division of Shengavit administrative district of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee significant circumstances of stealing money in large amount from a person by cheating, kidnapping, illegal deprivation of freedom and extortion were found out.

Particularly, on April 29, 2023 a report was received in the Investigative Division of Shengavit administrative district of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee from a resident of Yerevan on a number of crimes committed against him and his father by a group of people.

With regard to this a criminal proceeding was initiated according to the Points 4, 5, 7 and 8 of the Part 2 of the Article 191, the Point 3 of the Part 2 of the Article 255, the Points 5, 8 and 9 of the Part 2 of the Article 192 and the Points 1 and 8 of the Part 2 of the Article 258 of RA Criminal Code. A decision was made to form an investigative group, the person who had submitted a report and his father were found the victim.

Large-scale procedural and evidentiary actions were conducted to find out the circumstances of the case. At the same time, the employees of Shengavit Police Division were assigned to take operative-intelligence measures to find the persons having committed the alleged crime and bring them to the investigative body. Within the framework of the proceeding the videos related to the case captured by the internal and external cameras of the supermarket were confiscated and examined, expertise were commissioned.

In the result of coordinated actions factual data were obtained on the allegation that on April 27, 2023 the young man, who had been found the victim, seeing an announcement on “Facebook” social site called on the phone number mentioned in the mentioned announcement to convert 5500 USD belonging to him into AMD at a high exchange rate.

Pursuant to the agreement reached with the person with whom he had a telephone conversation, at the latter’s desire, on the same day at about 12:00 near the supermarket on Bagratunyats Street the young man met a person and gave the money to that person in the car of “Toyota” make used by the latter. The person entered the supermarket alone, gave the money to another person unidentified yet and returning told that he had given the money to another person. The young man demanded that he should give back his money about which a row erupted between them in the car and the driver called other persons to the mentioned place. Arriving at the scene they started arguing with the young man, hit him with hands on different parts of his body.

Then in order to continue the argument, against the victim’s will, kidnapping him they took him to a garage located in the 16th district. The young man’s father, who was at the scene, seeing that his son was being taken to another place, followed them to the same place. There the mentioned persons took the young man and his father’s phones against their will, got them into the garage and forbade to leave thus illegally depriving them of freedom in a group.

Going on with their criminal activity, the mentioned persons, with prior agreement, required 20000 USD for unreasonably demanding 5500 USD from the driver of the car of “Toyota” make and blaming him for cheating, for letting the young man and his father free, they also beat them, threatened to use violence against their relatives. However, they bargained and agreed to let them free for 1.000.000 AMD and on the same day at about 18:00 receiving the mentioned money, the mentioned persons let the victims free.

Through investigation 5 persons involved in the apparent criminal acts were identified. Public criminal prosecution was initiated against them and charge was pressed against 3 of them for committing the mentioned criminal acts. By the court’s decision detention was used as a pretrial measure against 3 of the above-mentioned 5 persons, 2 of them were detained and taken to penitentiary. The police were assigned to find the third one and bring him to the investigative body. Absence ban was used as a pretrial measure against one accused.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing. Necessary measures are taken to find out all circumstances of the case, the role of each of those involved, to give legal assessment to their actions, as well as to identify the person to whom 5500 USD was given in the supermarket

During preliminary investigation data were also obtained on the allegation that in the car during the argument on returning money the above-mentioned young man showed a pistol to the driver of the car of “Toyota” make threatening to take the mentioned car if he did not return the money.

With regard to this count another criminal proceeding was initiated on apparent illegal keeping of weapon, as well as arrogation by using violence or threatening to use violence.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.