    26.02.24, 13:20

    About 1.668.250,6 m³ Sand and Gravel Mixture Extracted Illegally, Pecuniary Damage of about 613.387.403 AMD Caused to State, 78.481.689 AMD of which Recovered

    About 1.668.250,6 m³ Sand and Gravel Mixture Extracted Illegally, Pecuniary Damage of about 613.387.403 AMD Caused to State, 78.481.689 AMD of which Recovered

    The results of the criminal proceedings on extraction of sand and gravel mixture, being investigated and completed as of January 20, 2024 in regional investigative departments of the RA Investigative Committee, have been summed up in General Department of Control over Activity of Territorial Investigative Departments.

    Particularly, through examination it was found out that 86 criminal proceedings in total, regarding illegal extraction of sand and gravel mixture have been and are being investigated in territorial investigative subdivisions of the RA Investigative Committee, 14 of which in Ararat, 4 in Aragatsotn, 35 in Armavir, 16 in Gegharkunik, 4 in Tavush, 8 in Shirak, 4 in Syunik, 1 in Vayots Dzor regions.

    Pursuant to examinations, according to initial calculations, the total volume of the illegally extracted sand and gravel mixture, found out through these proceedings, has made about 1.668.250,6 . As a result, the state has been caused pecuniary damage of 613.387.403 AMD, pursuant to initial data, 78.481.689 AMD of which has so far been recovered.

    Within 37 of the mentioned criminal proceedings illegal extraction has been carried out by legal entities, within 16 – by individuals, and within 33 cases the crime has been committed in non-obvious conditions.

    Pursuant to initial information, within 36 of the above mentioned criminal proceedings the extraction has been carried out for entrepreneurial purpose, 14 – for non-entrepreneurial purpose, and within 33 the purpose is not found out yet.

    Within 7 of the criminal proceedings being investigated, it was found out that the process of illegal extraction of sand and gravel mixture has been disguised under the name of building or cleaning fish farms, or cleaning lakes, or other agricultural activities.

    Within two cases criminal proceedings have been initiated related to land allocation, with the characteristics of the Article 441 of RA Criminal Code (abuse of official position), within the framework of which measures are taken to give legal assessment to the actions of the heads of the two communities (one of them has been sent to the RA Anticorruption Committee).

    By the investigators’ instruction, 75 vehicles involved in illegal extraction of sand have been taken out and moved to the specially protected areas, as physical evidence.

    Within the current proceedings, forensic expertise have been commissioned to find out the exact amounts of pecuniary damage caused to the state, circumstances of land degradation and the environmental damage caused as a result of illegal extraction of sand and gravel mixture, the results of which have not been received yet. After the results of the mentioned expertise are received, it will be possible to solve the issue of initiating public criminal prosecution against the persons engaged in illegal extraction of sand and sand gravel.

    Nevertheless, within separate criminal proceedings sent to court, it has been already grounded that Illegal sand mining carried out in separate zones in the Araks river basin has caused to deterioration of soil quality, as well as a change in the course of the Araks river has taken place.

    Within 2 of the current criminal proceedings public criminal prosecution has been initiated against 3 persons, 4 criminal proceedings on 5 persons with the bill of indictment have been sent to court.