    20.07.18, 10:54

    Criminal Case Initiated on Willful Concealing of Information about Pollution of Environment

    Criminal Case Initiated on Willful Concealing of Information about Pollution of Environment

    A criminal case was initiated in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee on willful concealing of information about pollution of environment by officials of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection.

    A report was received in the RA Investigative Committee from a citizen on pollution of environment related to exploitation of mine complex of gold-bearing quartzite of Amulsar by “Lydian Armenia” CJSC.

    It was found out that “Geoteam” CJSC which later was renamed as “Lydian Armenia” CJSC submitted to “Environmental Impact Assessment Center” SNCO of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection  a report on environmental impact assessment of Amulsar gold mine project located at the administrative area of the RA Vayots Dzor and Syunik provinces. Based on it, on April 29, 2016 a positive conclusion of environmental impact was given by the mentioned SNCO.

    Whereas, during preparation of materials data were obtained on the allegation that the relevant officials of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection being informed about dangerous risks of chemical pollution of environment in case the mentioned mine complex is exploited, willfully concealed from the population the information about pollution of environment with chemical materials dangerous for people’s life and health.

    Considering that in the prepared materials there are apparent crime elements envisaged by the Part 1 of the Article 282 of RA Criminal Code today a criminal case was initiated in the RA IC General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases. An investigatory plan has been worked out and necessary investigatory actions are conducted to provide the comprehensive, complete and objective investigation of the case.

     Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.