29.11.14, 13:43

Activity of Yeghvard kindergarten N 1 suspended temporarily. Investigation is under way to find the circumstances of children poisoning

Activity of Yeghvard kindergarten N 1 suspended temporarily. Investigation is under way to find the circumstances of children poisoning

On 28 November, 2014 at 18:40 a call was received from “Nairi” medical center of Yeghvard informing that some children were taken to medical center with initial diagnosis of “food poisoning” from Yeghvard kindergarten N 1.

Immediately after the call materials were prepared in Kotayq Regional Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee on the base of which a criminal case was initiated according to the Points 1 and 2 of the Part 2 of the Article 279 of RA Criminal Code ( Manufacture or sale of goods which do not meet safety requirements for the consumers’ life or health,  in relation to goods, works or services intended for children, if this action negligently damaged the health of two or more persons).

The kindergarten has been inspected, samples from the stored food available in the kindergarten, as well as from the food of that day have been taken. The documents of the food supplied to the kindergarten have been confiscated.
According to the decision of the investigative body the activity of the kindergarten has been temporarily suspended. Measures are being taken to find the source of poisoning.

According to the investigation data 54 children were hospitalized in total, 19 of them were discharged from hospital.