29.06.15, 13:46

Four criminal cases initiated on breach of sanitation and epidemic regulations in Armavir

Four criminal cases initiated on breach of sanitation and epidemic regulations in Armavir

Criminal cases were initiated in Armavir Regional Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee on breach of sanitation and epidemic regulations in preschool institutions.

In May - June, 2015 50 children with “acute intestinal infection”, “klebsiella” and “shigellosis” have been taken to “Armavir” medical center 38 of which are different kindergartens’ pupils. 11 of them have not attended any educational center or preschool institution, one of them is a schoolchild.

Taking the public interest into consideration, we inform that 27 of the children taken to hospital had “acute intestinal infection”, 11 children had “klebsiella” and 10 children had “shigellosis”. A 4 year-old boy is unconscious, one of the children has died.

Based on the materials prepared on the above-mentioned cases 4 criminal cases were initiated according to the Part 1 of the Article 277 of RA Criminal Code. Initiation of criminal proceeding on 16 prepared materials was rejected on the base of the absence of crime and preparation of materials on 7 more cases is under way.

As it was earlier informed, a criminal case was initiated on the child’s death according to the Part 2 of the Article 130 of RA Criminal Code (failure to implement or improper implementation of professional duties by medical and support personnel which negligently caused the patient’s death).

Preliminary investigation is ongoing. Measures are taken to provide the comprehensive and complete examination of the case.

 Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.