Aghvan Hovsepyan today took part in opening ceremony of new administrative building of Masis Investigative Division

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Aghvan Hovsepyan today took part in the opening ceremony of the new administrative building of Masis Investigative Division of Ararat Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee.
The governor of Ararat A. Grigoryan, the Mayor of Masis, those responsible for the judicial system of the region were also present at the opening ceremony of the building. The RA IC Chairman toured in the building, got acquainted with the new working conditions.
By the decision of 03.06.2016 of the town hall council of Masis town the area with surface of 316,16 square meters in the building of town hall of Masis town was given to the RA IC Administration for free use to improve the working conditions of Masis Investigative Division. It has been completely innovated, provided with video surveillance system, internet and internal computer network. The area has 14 rooms which gives an opportunity to organize the conduction of investigatory actions more efficiently, to provide the maintenance of evidence.
“We create comfortable renovated buildings for the subdivisions expecting that it will also raise, increase the efficiency of the investigatory work. The improvement of investigator’s working conditions is very important; such conditions must be created for him to be able to do his duties defined by law more efficiently. If three investigators work in the working room of 12 square meters they have to plan their working day in a way that they could conduct investigatory actions in turns. Today’s conditions will give an opportunity to organize the plan more efficiently and pursuant to working plan to have a full day to investigate the criminal cases”, said the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Aghvan Hovsepyan and emphasized that all conditions are created for the evidence obtained in the result of investigatory actions to be invulnerable.
A number of employees were awarded administrative awards for conscientious work.
After the formation of the Investigative Committee as an independent investigatory body – since October, 2014 consistent steps have been taken to improve the working conditions of territorial subdivisions which is aimed at creating more favorable environment and conditions to conduct investigatory actions in the presence of trial parties during pretrial proceeding as well as to respect their rights.
During the past 2.5 years the administrative buildings of Syuniq, Kotayq, Aragatsotn, Vayots Dzor Regional Investigative Departments, Vardenis Investigative Division of Gegharquniq Regional Investigative Department, Yerevan Investigative Department, Investigative Divisions of Arabkir and Shengavit administrative districts have been renovated.
The administrative buildings of Tavush, Ararat Regional Investigative Departments, Artik Investigative Division of Shirak Regional Investigative Department, Stepanavan Investigative Division of Lori Regional Investigative Department, Martuni Investigative Division of Gegharquniq Regional Investigative Department, Noyemberyan Investigative Division of Tavush Regional Investigative Department are being repaired.