    16.12.22, 14:27

    Opening Ceremony of Administrative Buildings of the RA IC Armavir Regional Investigative Department and Vagharshapat Investigative Division Held with Participation of the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee (video, photos)

    The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Argishti Kyaramyan has paid a visit to towns of Armavir and Vagharshapat where he has taken part in the opening ceremony of the new administrative buildings of Amavir Regional Investigative Department as well as Vagharshapat Investigative Division of the same department.

    The governor of Armavir Edward Hovhannisyan, the Head of Armavir community Davit Khudatyan and the Head of Vagharshapat community Diana Gasparyan have also been present at the ceremonies.

    The RA IC Chairman has made a tour in the renovated buildings, has got acquainted with the working conditions.

    Armavir Regional Investigative Department, as well as Vagharshapat Investigative Division has not had separate administrative buildings, working conditions have not been so good. Based on the needs of the RA Investigative Committee, according to the relevant decision of the RA Government, the RA IC has been provided with separate buildings which have been fully renovated with funding allocated from the RA state budget.

    The new administrative buildings have been furnished with new property necessary for the full implementation of the service, modern logistical means, internet connection, internal telecommunications network. Separate rooms have been planned for preservation of physical evidence, conduction of certain investigative actions.

    The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee has held a short consultation in the new hall of Armavir Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee.

    Congratulating the investigators on their new work places Argishti Kyaramyan mentioned that the improvement of working, logistical conditions, provision of certain social guarantees for the officers, which are emphasized by the state today, shall motivate to more enhance the quality of preliminary investigation, to contribute to the reduction of crime in the country, to the strengthening of the legal system and the implementation of justice.

    “Though the primary concern for all of us is the humanitarian crisis regularly created by the rival for our compatriots from Artsakh, we find the strength within ourselves to grow, to move forward and it is our duty, having similar working conditions, to make a greater efforts to create an additional value and thus to win”, said the RA IC Chairman.

    For the purpose of enhancement of working efficiency the building and logistics improvement process of the territorial subdivisions of the RA Investigative Committee is continuous.