07.06.21, 08:41

Ahead of Snap Elections of National Assembly, by Order of Chairman of RA Investigative Committee, Working Group Formed

Ahead of Snap Elections of National Assembly, by Order of Chairman of RA Investigative Committee, Working Group Formed

By the order of the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan a working group was formed to organize the operative consideration of reports on breaches of electoral rights within the competence of the RA Investigative Committee, to coordinate the conduction of investigation on the voting day of snap elections of National Assembly to be held on June 20, as well as in the period preceding and following it.  

By the order N 45-Ա of the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee the heads of subdivisions have been assigned;

-      to quickly respond to all reports on breaches of citizens' electoral rights on voting day and in the period preceding and following it, to organize the consideration of the reports in short terms,  

-      to send urgent reports to the head of the working group about preparation of materials, initiation of criminal cases, as well as about their procedure,

-       to establish a round-the-clock duty on June 20 in the Central Office and in territorial subdivisions of the Investigative Committee.

The work of the working group will be coordinated by Deputies Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee.

The operative coverage of decisions made by the IC subdivisions, bodies conducting pretrial proceeding in the result of considerations of reports on breaches of electoral tight has been assigned to the spokesman of the Investigative Committee.

Ahead of the parliamentary elections the RA Investigative Committee reminds

Liability is envisaged by RA Criminal Code

-       for breaching the procedure for providing the voters list to citizens or parties by an official in charge of compilation of voters list, for not providing or not publishing it in prescribed manner which is punished with a fine in the amount of 1000 to 1500 minimal salaries.

-       for forgery through the breach of the procedure of compilation of voters list by the official in charge of the compilation of the voters lists which is punished with imprisonment for the term of 3 to 5 years depriving of the right to hold certain positions or to be engaged in certain activities for up to three years.

-       for hindering the proxy, observer or mass media representative to get acquainted with the electoral documents in prescribed cases and manner,  not giving copies of the election commission protocols and extracts. The mentioned committal is punished with imprisonment for the term of 3 to 5 years.