14.09.16, 13:28

Chairmen of Investigative Committees of Armenia, Belarus and Russia arranged to create a board of heads of investigative bodies (Photos)

Chairmen of Investigative Committees of Armenia, Belarus and Russia arranged to create a board of heads of investigative bodies (Photos)

Delegation headed by the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Aghvan Hovsepyan took part in solemn event dedicated to the fifth anniversary of formation of the Investigative Committee of Belarus. Deputy Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee A. Ghambaryan and Deputy Head of Division of Provision of International Requests S. Tairyan were involved in the delegation.

Congratulating his Belarus partner on professional holiday the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Aghvan Hovsepyan awarded the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Belarus Ivan Noskevich with medal “For Cooperation” for contribution in providing close cooperation with the RA Investigative Committee.

During the working visit A. Hovsepyan took part in trilateral meeting with the Chairmen of the Investigative Committees of Belarus and Russia – Ivan Noskevich and Alexander Bastrykin.

During the meeting a wide range of issues on development of cooperation and introduction of new, more efficient mechanisms was discussed. In the result of discussion the chairmen of Investigative Committees of the three countries signed a joint declaration over necessity to activate the interdepartmental cooperation.

The parties highlighted the efficient cooperation and exchange of experience in struggle against crime, particularly transnational crime expressing a willingness to provide the implementation of joint measures in the order defined by law to prevent crimes, to increase the quality and efficiency of preliminary investigation.

The Chairmen of the Investigative Committees of the three countries expressed their support to the initiative to create a board of Chairmen of Investigative Committees of CIS member states (other investigative bodies) and expressed hope that the creation of the board will considerably contribute to creation of new mechanisms in struggle against crime, prevention of crime.

Considering the negative influence of crimes, committed particularly in the sphere of organized crime and corruption, illegal turnover of drugs on citizens and states,  as well as the necessity to create a system of interdepartmental cooperation between law enforcement bodies in order to increase the efficiency of struggle against transnational crime the Chairmen of Armenia, Belarus and Russia expressed willingness to activate joint actions for increasing immediacy of implementation of queries on providing legal aid in the framework of criminal cases.

During the meeting the members of the Armenian delegation were awarded medals by the Chairman of the RF Investigative Committee.