05.06.20, 14:29

Charge Pressed against 80% Owner of «Armenian Crystal» OJSC Nazik Amiryan for Squandering in Particularly Large Amount and Creating Insolvency Features in Company

Charge Pressed against 80% Owner of «Armenian Crystal» OJSC Nazik Amiryan for Squandering in Particularly Large Amount and Creating Insolvency Features in Company

In the result of investigatory and other procedural actions of great volume conducted within the criminal case investigated in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee a number of circumstances of squandering the property in particularly large amount of 221.970.000 AMD which belonged to «Armenian Crystal» OJSC and deliberate bankruptcy of the company committed by the 80% owner of the company Nazik Amiryan were found out. Charge was pressed against her.

Pursuant to data obtained through investigation, by the RA Government's decision N 90 dated 07.02.2001 «Armenian Glass» CJSC's 80% of stocks of state property worth 573.733.000 AMD were alienated to Nazik Amiryan through direct sales contract for 145.000.000 AMD requiring to make investments in the next 3 years in the amount of 100.000.000, 80.000.000 and 70.000.000 AMD and to provide 350, 500 and 700 jobs, accordingly as a social guarantee.

During her further activity, for the purpose of creation of insolvency features in the company and at the same time personally to be in favorable condition, Nazik Amiryan did not fulfill her obligations under the contract; the liabilities to tax authorities and other organizations formed during the company's activities were not fulfilled due to which a ban was imposed to a part of the real estate and movable property of «Armenian Crystal» OJSC by Compulsory Enforcement Service of the RA Ministry of Justice.

Parallel to the mentioned process on March 12, 2003 Nazik Amiryan established an LLC in his close friend's name which actually belonged to her. After it her friend took part in the auction organized by Compulsory Enforcement Service of the RA Ministry of Justice as a physical person and being found as a winner, by sale contract on June 28, 2003 he purchased the industrial workshop with 9263,32s/m belonging to «Armenian Crystal» OJSC estimated for significantly lower than the market price - 8.318.880 AMD. Then on December 16, 2003 by the contract signed between the company belonging to her and Compulsory Enforcement Service of the RA Ministry of Justice Nazik Amiryan in the same way acquired 86 name real estate and movable property which belonged to «Armenian Crystal» OJSC – for 547.500 AMD. Later the property acquired for only 8.866.380 AMD was estimated 221.970.000 AMD and introduced in the statutory capital of the LLC which belonged to Nazik Amiryan.

In this way Nazik Amiryan withdrew the above-mentioned property in particularly large amount - 221.970.000 AMD from the fund of «Armenian Crystal» OJSC and introduced in the statutory capital of the LLC actually belonging to her after which by the contract on stock sale signed on May 4, 2004 the mentioned LLC was sold for 220.020.000 AMD.

Nazik Amiryan's above-mentioned activities created insolvency features in the company – the alienation of property worth 221.970.000 AMD in fact was fulfilled for only 8.866.380 AMD, the means that made up actual difference were received in the personal fund of 80% owner Nazik Amiryan and not in the fund of the company. As a result, by the court's verdict of 29.12.2003 the company was found insolvent and damage in particularly large amount - 213.103.620 AMD was caused to the company and company's creditors.

On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence charge was pressed against Nazilk Amiryan according to the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 179 (squandering or embezzlement) and the Article 193 (deliberate bankruptcy) of RA Criminal Code. Signature not to leave was chosen as a pretrial measure against her.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.