05.12.19, 07:16

Charge Pressed against Dilijan Community Head for Abuse of Official Authorities and Official Forgery

Charge Pressed against Dilijan Community Head for Abuse of Official Authorities and Official Forgery

Within the criminal case investigated in the Department of Investigation of Corruption-Related Crimes, Crimes against Property of General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee charge was pressed against Dilijan community head for abuse of official authorities and official forgery.

Pursuant to initial data, the head of Dilijan community, holding the mentioned position from 2005, forging documents, not carrying out his service duties, caused significant pecuniary damage of 75.927.012 AMD to Dilijan community.

In the result of investigatory and other procedural actins it was found out that the community head, using his official position against the service interests, under the pretext of renovation of a building with a surface of 2611.2 square meters located in Dilijan allegedly at the request of state departments and other business offices occupying areas at the mentioned building on different bases announced an auction on its rent for 40 years for incomparably low starting price - 1.317.000 AMD per year on mandatory condition of submitting and implementing a renovation program of the building by participants.

Then the community head, being aware that the LLC operating in the community did not have a renovation program of the mentioned building which was a mandatory condition to take part in the competition for the rent of the building, confirmed an official document - obviously fake protocol on the same competition based on which the mentioned building located in Dilijan was given to the mentioned LLC founded about 30 days before the auction in the name of the daughter of an official in Dilijan's municipality for 40 years' rent right for 1.448.700 AMD per year.  

Through investigation actual data were also obtained on the allegation that the community head, being authorized to control payments for the property of the community, from June, 2006 to September, 2018 - termination of the contract did not carry out his service duties.

Particularly, he did not review and terminate the contract signed with obviously unfavorable conditions for the community in case no renovation program of the building was submitted, no investment was made.

That is, the goal of the competition with an incomparably low starting price for the rent of the mentioned building was its capital renovation whereas it had not been renovated for about 12 years, had been served for personal interests, the community budget had been deprived from cash receipts for years; only 14.190.800 AMD out of 90.117.812 AMD collected at the mentioned period from subrenters of the areas of community property was transferred to community budget which caused Dilijan community significant pecuniary damage of 75.927.012 AMD causing grave consequences by negligence.

On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence charge was pressed against Dilijan community head according to the Part 2 of the Article 308 and the Part 1 of the Article 314 of RA Criminal Code.

The investigator submitted a motion to court to use detention as a pretrial measure against the community head. The court sufficed the motion and at the same time considered usage of mortgage permissible as an optional pretrial measure.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.