29.09.15, 12:03

Charge pressed against five persons for the case of getting “Hepatitis C” in Qajaran

Charge pressed against five persons for the case of getting “Hepatitis C” in Qajaran

In the result of investigatory and procedural actions conducted in the framework of the criminal case investigated in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of RA Investigative Committee the circumstances of getting “Hepatitis C” by the patients in Qajaran Medical Center, the way of contracting the disease, the circle of the persons responsible were found. Based on the obtained evidence charge was pressed against 5 persons.

On January 17 information was received telling that some citizens, who had turned to “Qajaran Medical Center” for medical assistance, got “Hepatitis C” after being operated or being subjected to medical intervention in the mentioned medical center.

A criminal case was initiated in the framework of which several investigatory actions were conducted, numerous witnesses, injured parties were interrogated and about 5 dozens of expertise were commissioned to find circumstances significant for the criminal case.

About 200 citizens who had been operated on in Qajaran medical center in 2014 were examined.

Through preliminary investigation sufficient data were obtained on the allegation that during 2014 in Qajaran medical center while performing operations through general anesthesia the disposable inner tracheal tubes, the aspirate tube had been used for numerous times, the mentioned medical instruments and “the laryngoscope” used during the operation through general anesthesia had been disinfected through breach of requirements of orders of RA Minister of Health. Other sanitary and epidemic breaches were found, as well.

In the result of breaches of sanitary and epidemic regulations 14 citizens having been operated on during 2014 got “hepatitis C”. As a result heavy damage dangerous for life was caused to their health.

Through investigation the frame of persons responsible for the observance of sanitary and epidemic regulations was found and on the base of the sufficient evidence the ex-director of “Qajaran Medical Center” CJSC Vardan Avagyan, deputy director Virab Manasyan, general nurse Armeda Vanesyan, general nurse Nora Karapetyan, doctor-anesthesiologist Yervand Avagyan were charged according to the Part 2 of the Article 277 of RA Criminal Code (Breach of sanitation and epidemic regulations which negligently caused mass diseases causing heavy damage to health).

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.