19.10.18, 14:25

Incompatible Blood with “Hepatitis C” Injected to Patient in Medical Center; Patient Died; Charges Pressed

Incompatible Blood with “Hepatitis C” Injected to Patient in Medical Center; Patient Died; Charges Pressed

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on V. Margaryan’s death –patient taking treatment in medical center was completed in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee. Charge was pressed against two health care employees of “Vayk Medical Association” CJSC.

The call on the death of the resident of Vayots Dzor V. Margaryan was received on August 5, 2017 from the Central Military Hospital of the RA Ministry of Defense. A criminal case was initiated preliminary investigation of which was conducted in the proceeding of Vayots Dzor Regional Investigative Department and later of General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee.

In the framework of the criminal case investigatory actions of great volume were conducted to find out all circumstances, causes of the patient’s death.  As a result, sufficient actual data were obtained on the allegation that careless and improper treatment had been displayed by the relevant medical personnel of “Vayk Medical Association” CJSC towards implementation of their duties. As a result, a wrong blood group was decided and incompatible blood was injected which caused the patient’s death.

Thus, being on holiday the employee of unit N V. Margaryan on August 1, 2017 went harvesting in the apricot garden where he got into an accident; he was stuck between the tractor trailer and tree because the tractor was being driven by a juvenile wrongly and was pressed. The man with bodily injuries on the waist was immediately taken to “Vayk Medical Association” CJSC where he underwent urgent operation.

Pursuant to preliminary investigation data, after the operation the doctor-anesthesiologist-reanimatologist decided to inject Vahe Margaryan blood considering that he had lost a large amount of blood. The nurse took the blood sample from the patient. The blood was given in the syringe to the doctor-serologist who was obliged to examine the blood in the procedure envisaged by the order of the RA Minister of Health dated August 7, 2012 “On Confirmation of Mandatory Blood Research List, Procedure and Methods of Implementation». However, pursuant to obtained data, professional duties were implemented in an improper way. As a result, the blood group affiliation of the patient was decided wrongly – A (second) group with positive rhesus was mentioned instead of B (third) group with positive rhesus and a note on it was made on the appropriate letterhead of the laboratory and that information was given to the doctor-anesthesiologist-reanimatologist. The latter told V. Margaryan's relatives that second group blood with positive rhesus was needed. V. Margaryan's brother and friend gave blood samples in the laboratory which were examined by the doctor-serologist and it was stated that both donors had second group blood with positive rhesus. However, without meeting the requirements of the established procedure the doctor did not check the compatibility of donor and Vahe Margaryan's blood and made a note about compatibility without appropriate examination.

Besides, infectious safety research of blood was not conducted, either in the result of which wrong data were given to the doctor-anesthesiologist-reanimatologist. Displaying careless treatment towards his professional duties the latter being obliged to examine the blood according to the Point 13 of the procedure of transfusion medical aid envisaged by the decision N 1056-Ն of RA Government dated August 16, 2012 did not carry out the necessary examination, neglected the claims of the patient's wife that her husband's blood was in fact blood of the third group with positive rhesus and instructed the nurse-anesthesiologist to carry out transfusion. As a result, incompatible blood with “Hepatitis C” was injected to the patient with a drip method. After 130 ml blood had been injected reactions of incompatible blood were seen at the patient - blood urine and shock started so the blood transfusion immediately was stopped. On the evening of the same day V. Margaryan was taken to Central Hospital of the RA Ministry of Defense. However, in the result of transfusion of incompatible blood in “Vayk Medical Association” CJSC a hemotransfusion shock developed which deepened multi organ deficiency and caused the patient’s death.


On the base of the obtained evidence charge was pressed against the doctor-anesthesiologist-reanimatologist and doctor-serologist according to the Part 2 of the Article 130 of RA Criminal Code.

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case was completed and the criminal case with the bill of indictment was sent to court.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.