22.06.16, 14:56

Charge pressed for organizing computer sabotage; criminal case sent to court

Charge pressed for organizing computer sabotage; criminal case sent to court

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on computer sabotage was completed in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee.

Through preliminary investigation sufficient evidence were obtained on the allegation that in November, 2015 DDoS computer attack against two bookmaker sites was organized by the same person. Besides, the latter illegally appropriated the password of the email of LLC director.

Particularly, on July 15, 2015 with prior agreement, through another person for appropriate money A. Avetisyan appropriated the password of the email used by the director of cultural center and got a chance of illegal access to the mailbox.

Besides, it was found that DDoS computer attack conducted against sites of two different bookmaker companies in November, 2015 was organized by A. Avetisyan. According to preliminary investigation data, in order to conduct computer sabotage A. Avetisyan organized and controlled actions directed to making bookmaker site unuseable; the site of bookmaker company was subjected to DDoS attack for hours in the result of which the work of the site was disrupted, the customers were deprived of services provided by the site for a long time and heavy damage was caused to business reputation of the company.

In order to stop DDoS computer attack A. Avetisyan offered his help to Director General of the companies using the site and demanded 5000 USD. To avoid heavier consequences the latter paid A. Avetisyan 4.000 USD in parts, including for not continuing DDoS computer attacks.

Besides, it was found that some days after the mentioned incident computer attack was organized by A. Avetisyan against another bookmaker site in the result of which it was permanently blocked, too.

On the base of the obtained evidence charge was pressed against A. Avetisyan according to the Point 2 of the Part 3 of the Article 254 of RA Criminal Code (illegal appropriation of computer data committed by a group of persons with prior agreement), the Part 3 of the Article 38-253 (2 counts) (Obliteration (sabotage) of computer data or software, isolation or making it unusable which caused grave consequences).

Through preliminary investigation of the criminal case it was found that the mentioned computer attacks had been directly conducted through hackers abroad. The person having supported the attack was identified; he is a citizen of Ukraine. A decision was made by the investigative body to involve him as a defendant and search was declared.

The criminal case on the part of A. Avetisyan with the bill of indictment was sent to the Court of First Instance of Kentron and Norq-Marash administrative districts. Preliminary investigation on the separated part is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.