06.02.23, 11:53

Preliminary Investigation on 81 Cases of Theft by Computer Means Completed. Case Sent to Court

Preliminary Investigation on 81 Cases of Theft by Computer Means Completed. Case Sent to Court

In the result of large-scale investigative and other procedural actions conducted, as well as operative-intelligence measures taken by the employees of the High Technology Crime Division of the RA Police within the criminal proceeding investigated in the Department of Investigation of Cybercrime and High Technology Crime of General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee significant circumstances of numerous cases of theft committed by means of computer, among them the theft mechanism, the frame of those affected as well as the amount of the damage caused to them were found out. The number of those affected is about eighty.

Particularly, on April 1, 2021 a report was received from a citizen informing that an unknown person had received an illegal access to his gaming account registered in “” bookmaker company and had made transfers to the game account from the bank card issued in his name and attached to the game account. Then by playing and losing, he transferred the money to another game account registered on the same website.

Through investigation of the criminal proceeding initiated in relation with the case it was found out that several dozens of proceedings on theft committed in the same way and mechanism are being investigated in different subdivisions of the RA Investigative Committee, as well. All the mentioned criminal proceedings were combined in one proceeding due to the need to provide comprehensive, complete and objective investigation.

Pursuant to data obtained through investigation, between January, 2021 and December, 2021 20 year-old resident of Gyumri without permission, by using computer means, accessed the game accounts of "" bookmaking website of a number of people living in different provinces of the republic and committed theft in particularly large amount by means of computer from them, as well as from the card accounts attached to them.

Particularly, the young man created a “trap” page which was outwardly formed in the form of "" bookmaking site and inserted it in «» website as an advertisement which advertized fake promotions of "" bookmaking site with content of “Join the new promotion of Ajarabet, get cash of 2500 – 25000, 60-180 free spins, 40-80 free aviabets every day, get the gift for 7 days”.

In order to use the mentioned promotions the users of the game accounts of “" bookmaking site entered the personal pages of identification data of “ADJ-PROMO” or “ajajajjaj15” of “” website, then got access to “ADJ-PROMO” trap site available on that page where they entered the usernames and passwords of the accounts of “” website registered in their names or used by them, however the advertised promotions were not provided to them.

As a result, the young man, getting the data of the users of “” bookmaking site, using the usernames, passwords of the accounts and computer means, without lawfully authorized permission got illegal access to game accounts of 58 users of “” website and committed theft in particularly large amount - 12․375․400 AMD by computer means.

In order to implement the mechanism of criminal activity, through playing and losing, he transferred the money transferred to the game accounts and available in them to game accounts of users of “” website - 23 persons found through the trap page created on the internet by him, then he transferred the stolen money to the bank cards, e-wallets managed by him, among them bank cards issued in his and other people’s names. This way he received an opportunity to possess, use, manage the mentioned money in particularly large amount received in a criminal way. 

During preliminary investigation the bank and card accounts of the person having committed the alleged crime were frozen, a transfer of 8.150.000 AMD was made by him to the deposit account of the RA Investigative Committee as a compensation of the damage caused by crime.

On the base of the obtained sufficient facts charge was pressed against the resident of Gyumri according to the Point 3 of the Part 3 of the Article 257 (58 counts) and the Part 1 of the Article 362 (23 counts) of RA Criminal Code. Detention was chosen as a pretrial measure against him then it was replaced by signature not to leave.

The materials of the proceeding with the bill of indictment were sent to court.

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Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.