13.03.17, 13:50

Circumstances of argument in Jrarat being found

Circumstances of argument in Jrarat being found

Necessary investigatory actions are conducted in Vagharshapat Investigative Division of Armavir Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee to find all circumstances of the incident that took place on March 12, 2017 in the village of Jrarat.

Pursuant to the materials received from the police, on March 12 at 18:25 a call was received from Vagharshapat’s hospital informing that Lernik Yeranosyan with a diagnosis “scratches on the area of the left eyelid, fracture of the head, abdomen and chest” was taken to hospital. He declared that he had been beaten in Jrarat village. On the same day at 19:40 a call was received in Vagharshapat Police Division from Vagharshapat’s hospital informing that Michayel Baboyan with a diagnosis “hematoma of right eyelid, fracture” was taken to hospital and declared that he had sustained the injury during the argument in Jrarat.

According to initial data, on March 12 at about 16:00 an argument took place in the village Jrarat,  Armavir region which turned into beating during which L. Yeranosyan and M. Baboyan sustained the mentioned bodily injuries. Through investigation sufficient actual data were obtained on the allegation that during the same argument L. Yeranosyan fired a shot to the air with his gun.

The site was inspected during which the gun of “Makarov” model was presented to the investigative body.

In the framework of the mentioned case on the same day 5 persons were apprehended by the police, one more person surrendered himself. The clothes they had on at the moment of the incident were confiscated. In the presence of the lawyer those apprehended refused to give shot figment sample and explanations.

The degree of sobriety of those apprehended was checked and pursuant to the inspection record they were sober.

Lernik Yeranosyan gave an explanation and a report on the incident. Necessary actions are conducted to find the motive of the argument, the frame of those involved. Additional information on procedural decisions made on the base of actual data will be provided.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.