16.03.22, 08:21

Citizens Affected by Criminal Activity of Company Called “Finiko” Asked to Apply to RA Investigative Committee

Citizens Affected by Criminal Activity of Company Called “Finiko” Asked to Apply to RA Investigative Committee

Large-scale investigative and other procedural actions are conducted in General Department on Special Assignments, Organizational-analytical Activity and Criminalistics of the RA Investigative Committee to find all citizens affected by the criminal activity of the company “Finiko”.

In the result of operative-intelligence measures taken by the employees of the Inquest and Operative-Intelligence Department of the RA State Revenue Committee data were obtained on the allegation that a company called “Finiko”, which was a financial investment company, had carried out activities in the Republic of Armenia since March, 2020 and offered the customers to make investments to get 25-30% income later. The investments were made by converting cash into crypto currencies and by entering them the appropriate e-wallet of the company.

In the result of taken measures it was found out that a financial pyramid was created and managed that is activities aimed at involving property were carried by which the property investor's benefit was determined at the expense of the property received from the involvement of new investors without the intention to use the mentioned property in real entrepreneurial activity. As a result, damage in large amount was caused to citizens. It was also found out that the activity of the company called “Finiko” at the RA area had been managed by Vazgen Zoboyan and the latter’s wife who had not been in the Republic of Armenia since July 31, 2021.

The investigative body appeals to the citizens affected by the criminal activity of the mentioned company to apply to General Department on Special Assignments, Organizational-analytical Activity and Criminalistics of the RA Investigative Committee.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.