04.12.18, 12:32

Criminal Case Initiated on Crash of Military Aircraft of SU-25 during Training Flight: Black Box Found

Criminal Case Initiated on Crash of Military Aircraft of SU-25 during Training Flight: Black Box Found

Investigation is conducted in General Military Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee to find out the causes of the crash of military aircraft of SU-25 of the RA Armed Forces during the flight training.

Pursuant to initial data, the military aircraft of SU-25, which was performing flight training envisaged by combat training plan, crashed on December 4 at about 10:20 adjacent to the area Qaraberd of Maralik region of RA Shirak province.  The crash caused death of two pilots - 1st class pilot, Lieutenant Colonel Armen Babayan and 3d class pilot, Major Movses Manukyan.  

The investigatory-operative group headed by the RA IC Deputy Chairman, Head of General Military Investigative Department Artak Krkyasharyan immediately left for the scene.

A criminal case was initiated in the 10th garrison investigative unit according to the Part 2 of the Article 378 of RA Criminal Code preliminary investigation of which was tasked to General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA IC General Military Investigative Department. Urgent investigatory and all necessary procedural actions are conducted to find out the causes of the crash. Through inspection of the scene the black box was found.

Additional information on investigation results will be provided.