17.03.22, 12:24

Criminal Prosecution against Former Head of Arabkir Community Terminated, Necessary Measures Taken to Recover Damage Caused to Community

Criminal Prosecution against Former Head of Arabkir Community Terminated, Necessary Measures Taken to Recover Damage Caused to Community

In the result of investigative and other procedural actions conducted during preliminary investigation of the criminal case investigated in the Division of Investigation of Grave Crimes of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee cases of abuse of official authorities committed by the former head of Arabkir community of Yerevan were disclosed. Charge was pressed against him according to the Part 2 of the Article 308 of RA Criminal Code (2 counts).

Pursuant to data obtained through investigation, the latter holding the mentioned position from 2005 to 2007 and being an official, abused his official authorities, used his official position against the service interests. As a result, the land with a surface of 1500 square meters from the area of “Arabkir” park involved in the restriction list envisaged by the Article 60 of RA Land Code was alienated through direct sale to his godson - the director of “Clean Arabkir” CJSC under Arabkir Municipality.

Besides, the former head of the community through direct sale alienated the buildings with a surface of 2734.6 square meters located at 3/3 Tbilisyan, Yerevan owned by the Staff of “Arabkir” Community Head administrative institution to his father at a price much lower than the cadastral value - 29.800.000 AMD. As a result, significant damage was caused to the rights and legal interests of the community. Later the mentioned real estate was divided into two property units and alienated to other people at a much higher price.

During preliminary investigation the former head of Arabkir community submitted an application and asked to terminate criminal prosecution against him on the base that the statute of limitation has expired – on non-acquittal base.

In the result of abuse of official position by the former head of the community Yerevan community was found the injured party and civil plaintiff for 450.340.462 AMD.

On February 22, 2022 a decision was made to terminate the criminal prosecution against the latter on the base that the statute of limitation has expired – on non-acquittal base.

On the base of the non-acquittal based decision made by the investigative body necessary measures were taken to apply measures to secure the claim – to recover the damage in the above-mentioned amount caused to Yerevan community.