16.12.23, 12:10

Former Mayor of Stepanavan Alienated Communal Lands in a Criminal Way and Committed Money Laundering with Relatives and Close Friends; Preliminary Investigation Completed

Former Mayor of Stepanavan Alienated Communal Lands in a Criminal Way and Committed Money Laundering with Relatives and Close Friends; Preliminary Investigation Completed

Preliminary investigation of the criminal proceeding initiated on exceeding official authorities, abusing the influence conditioned by them, money laundering, official forgery committed by the former Mayor of Stepanavan, was completed.

In the result of large-scale evidentiary and procedural actions conducted in the Department of Investigation of General and Election-Related Crimes of General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee 13 counts of cases of alienation and owning of communal lands not subject to alienation, hiding the criminal origin of the property procured in this way committed by the former Mayor of Stepanavan A.Gh., with the involvement of some other people, among them his two sons, cousin, close friends, municipality employees, were disclosed.

Particularly, holding the position of Stepanavan Mayor between 2002 and 2012, A.Gh., with the help of the chief specialist-architecture of the staff of the community head, committing official forgery, ignoring the requirements of the Article 60 of the RA Land Code, as well as a number of other normative legal acts regulating the sphere, alienated 11 lands of various sizes located at the administrative area of Stepanavan, separated by segregation from plots of land that cannot be transferred to citizens and legal entities, being mainly a green area and road with "General Use" operational purpose, as well as the real estate transferred to Stepanavan community for specific purpose use by the RA government, to various persons, among them "Revival" charitable foundation, founded with his participation, the LLC created by the foundation, his cousin K.A., his friend’s son, "Communal economy of Stepanavan" OJSC, managed by a member of the community council of elders of Stepanavan, as well as to other persons in close relations with him.

For this purpose, pursuant to the materials of the proceeding, A.Gh., without the consent of the council of elders of Stepanavan community, without making a change in operational purpose as prescribed by legislation, organized auctions for lands located at the administrative area of Stepanavan community, separated by segregation from plots of land that cannot be transferred through ownership right and in two cases formally made the above-mentioned persons participants and winners.

In this way significant damage was caused to the rights and legal interests of Stepanavan community.

In order to hide and distort the property movement received in a criminal way, the criminal source of the ownership right to it, A.Gh., reaching prior agreement with the owners of the lands, in 2009, 2014 and 2017 transferred them through alienation, formal sale and purchase to his sons D.Gh. and A.Gh., cousin, as well as the director of "Revival" charitable foundation S.H., based on which their ownership right to the lands was registered in the RA Cadaster Committee and relevant certificates were given. In this way money laundering was committed.

On the base of the obtained facts charge was pressed against A.Gh. for 13 counts of  abusing official or service authorities or the influence conditioned by them or exceeding the authorities, also with severe consequences, committed by an official, 3 counts of money laundering in a group, among them in large amount, and 6 counts of official forgery.

Charge was pressed against A.Gh.’s sons for money laundering, against A.Gh.’s cousin and the director of "Revival" charitable foundation S.H. for support to abusing official or service authorities or the influence conditioned by them or exceeding the authorities committed by an official and money laundering.

In the course of preliminary investigation bans were imposed by the investigative committee to the property alienated in a criminal way.

Preliminary investigation on the above-mentioned persons was completed, and the materials of the proceeding, with the bill of indictment, were sent to the prosecutor.

Preliminary investigation on the other persons is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.