24.03.22, 05:53

Search Declared against Former Head of Avshar Community (video)

Large-scale investigative and other procedural actions are conducted within the criminal case investigated in Ararat Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee to find out all circumstances of abuse of official authorities committed by the former head of Avshar community.

Pursuant to factual data obtained through investigation, the latter holding the mentioned position from 1997 to 2011 then from 2013 to January 3, 2022 abused his official authorities in the result of which significant damage which negligently caused grave consequences was inflicted to the community.

Particularly, by the decision of the RA Government’s charity program coordination commission the combined feed production line of «Ottevanգer» model with a capacity of 700 kg/hour made in the Netherlands with a factory value of 95,000,000 AMD received as charity from Greece was donated to Avshar community in 2010 which, after making appropriate customs clearances, was registered in the community property balance.

The former head of the community being committed to use the community property without the purpose of making a profit in accordance with the interests of the community and residents, without any documentation, handed the above-mentioned line to the LLC operating in Aralez community factually owned by his brother where the line was used for manufacturing needs of the LLC for 9 years.

Then in 2019 the former head of Avshar community undertook the process of alienation of the mentioned property by direct sale in the framework of which the community property with a balance value of 95.000.000 AMD was assessed only 19.000.000 AMD and on the base of the decision of the community Council of Elders it was alienated to the mentioned LLC by direct sale.

As a result, the property donated to the community was used against the interests of the community and residents, the community was deprived of the opportunity to get income and due to physical wear the line lost the most part of the balance value for 76.000.000 AMD and pecuniary damage in the mentioned amount was caused to the community.

On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence the former head of Avshar community was involved as a defendant according to the Part 2 of the Article 308 of RA Criminal Code. Search was declared against him.

It should be added that the existence of real estate registered in his and his family’s name was examined to provide the possible civil suit and court costs within the criminal case. As a result, it was found out that a car of “Toyota Land Cruiser” make, arable lands of agricultural significance, a residential building are registered in his name. A car of “Toyota LC” make and 54 real estate properties - lands of agricultural significance, buildings, public structures, industrial facilities are registered in his 32 year-old son’s name. 20 real estate properties are registered in the name of the wife of the former head of the community in Yerevan and in the regions of Kotayk, Ararat, 5 real estate properties are registered in his 34 year-old daughter’s name in Yerevan and Ararat region and 5 real estate properties in Ararat region – in the name of his 30 year-old daughter.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.