Extended Board Session at RA Investigative Committee; last year’s indices summed up (Photos)

Extended board session was held at the RA Investigative Committee which was headed by the RA IC Chairman Aghvan Hovsepyan.
Work carried out in 2016 was discussed, crime situation, dynamics, work carried out to reveal crime were analyzed at the extended board session. The RA IC Deputies Chairman Aram Tamazyan, Hayk Grigoryan, Vahagn Harutyunyan and Artur Ghambaryan presented the work carried out according to spheres.
In 2016 18.764 crime cases were recorded in the Republic while the number of crime cases in 2015 was 17.143; crimes mainly against state service and management order, against property have increased. Grave crimes have decreased by 4.8 percent and particularly grave crimes have increased by 20 percent.
Pursuant to the reports, in 2016 preliminary investigation of 91.3 percent of criminal cases initiated on crime cases was conducted in the proceeding of the employees of the RA Investigative Committee, the rest 9.7 percent - in the proceeding of Special Investigatory Service, investigative departments of National Security Service and State Revenue Committee.
The average workload of the RA IC investigators was 46.4 and in several subdivisions it was about 130 criminal cases.
Despite the overload consistent steps were taken to raise the quality and efficiency of investigation of criminal cases investigated in the proceeding of the RA Investigative Committee and in the result of planning and organizing the investigation correctly terms of preliminary investigation have been reduced, indices of disclosure of a number of crimes have significantly been improved. In the result of measures taken together with the operative-searching bodies, disclosure of about 90 percent of particularly grave crimes has been provided.
In 2015 1676 criminal cases were completed in up to two months’ period while in 2016 1736, at the same time, criminal cases investigated for more than a year have significantly decreased.
“During preliminary investigation of criminal cases a number of constitutional rights of those involved are limited in the order defined by law and unnecessary delays of investigation are unacceptable. Circumstances shall be found and appropriate procedural decisions shall be made as operatively as possible. Disclosure of crimes only in short terms will contribute to formation of psychology of inevitability of punishment for the committal”, mentioned the RA IC Chairman Aghvan Hovsepyan instructing to conduct daily monitoring over investigation of particularly complicated criminal cases and their disclosure.
“Index N 1 of investigatory work is crime disclosure. The investigator is the procedural person who controls the actions of all those who should contribute to revealing crimes, obtaining evidence and fixing. The request from the community is presented to you”, said Aghvan Hovsepyan.
Referring to the reduction of investigation terms the reporters mentioned that the conducted organizational works greatly contributed to it. For example, due to introduction of the electronic system receiving decryptions from communication operators on the base of court decisions the decryptions are received in short terms which contributes to verifying the hypotheses put forth more operatively.
Terms of conduction of examinations commissioned to find circumstances significant for the criminal case, as well as the quality in separate cases are still a primary problem for investigation.
It was reported that in the result of working discussions with Medical Psychology Chair of Yerevan Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi in 2016 new mechanisms for cooperation have been developed which gives an opportunity to organize the conduction of forensic psychological examinations in shorter terms and for more affordable prices. The specialists of Medical University expressed willingness to conduct the forensic psychological examinations in the framework of criminal cases. Several forensic psychological examinations have already been conducted by the specialists of the mentioned Chair which took 45 days, only one case took 4 months as the criminal case was voluminous.
Thus, it was stated that the terms of forensic psychological examinations conducted by the specialists of the Faculty of Psychology of Yerevan State Medical University were satisfying. Currently working discussions are held with the relevant specialists of State Pedagogical University to involve them in conduction of forensic examinations, as well.
“Considerable organizational work as well as work in investigators’ training has been done and all statistical data show that the quality and efficiency of investigation has raised, we should not praise ourselves, but we should carefully observe the issues, reveal the deficiencies and correct them with consistent steps. We should always be critical to our work as only in this way we can move forward, provide efficient preliminary investigation”, mentioned A. Hovsepyan.
The speakers mentioned that in the result of comprehensive, objective and complete investigation conducted in the framework of criminal cases investigated in IC proceeding in 2016 actual data were obtained on crimes committed by specific units and, according to investigatory subordination, these cases were sent to Special Investigatory Service to continue the preliminary investigation. At the same time, more than thirty investigators were also sent to Special Investigatory Service to support to conduction of investigation of the mentioned criminal cases in the group.
Based on the results of discussion the RA IC Chairman gave a number of instructions highlighting the processing of the reports on crimes received in the Investigative Committee quickly, in the order defined by law. A. Hovsepyan draw the attention of the heads of territorial subdivisions to the significance of quick and proper legal assessment, in RA IC jurisdiction, of possible breaches or other criminal acts conditioned by electoral process during upcoming national elections.
“We shall respond to reports on possible breaches in the order defined by law and as quickly as possible. Each case shall become a subject of investigation operatively”, emphasized the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee.