03.08.18, 14:22

Working Consultation at RA Investigative Committee; IC Chairman Gave Specific Instructions (Photos)

Working Consultation at RA Investigative Committee; IC Chairman Gave Specific Instructions (Photos)

Working consultation headed by the RA IC Chairman Hayk Grigoryan was held today at the RA Investigative Committee. Heads and deputy heads of structural and territorial subdivisions of the Investigative Committee were present at the meeting.

RA IC Chairman referred to organizational issues, working and performance discipline.

Emphasizing the imperative of uncompromising fight against corruption manifestations Hayk Grigoryan attached importance to conscientious, caring and responsible attitude towards performance of their working duties.  

“There will be no tolerance towards corruption manifestations and each investigator’s diligence in criminal cases investigated in his proceeding, his behavior and posture in general are very important”, said IC Chairman and attached importance to the work done with citizens in each criminal case.  

“Investigators’ decisions must be grounded not only in procedural aspect but they must also be explicable, understandable. Very often being sure of validity of your decisions you don’t value properly the issues raised at citizens, you don’t give clarifications in time, present legal position in publicly available way. As a result, the suspects on objectiveness of this or that decision are deeply rooted in citizens”, said IC Chairman instructing the heads of regional investigative departments to organize citizens’ reception once a week.

H. Grigoryan stated that the heads of territorial subdivisions are directly responsible for efficient organization of preliminary investigation and gave specific instructions on compliance with professional ethics rules, enhancement of working discipline.