Results of Activity of Committee in 2022 Summed up at the RA IC Extended Board Session (photos)

On February 1 an extended board session was held at the RA Investigative Committee which was headed by the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Argishti Kyaramyan.
The members of the board, the heads of the functional subdivisions of the RA Investigative Committee took part in the session.
The Deputies Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee presented the results of the work done in 2022 by the subdivisions under their coordination, dynamics of crime, the achievements and shortcomings related to the quality and efficiency of the preliminary investigation in the context of the available resources.
It was stated that in 2022 59.830 criminal proceedings have been investigated in the proceeding of the Committee which is by 17,947 or 42,8% more as compared with whose in 2021. This growth is also conditioned by the termination of the inquest institute as a result of the adoption of the RA new Criminal Procedure Code. Since July, 2022 – that is since the new criminal codes have entered into force, 29.266 reports have been received by the subdivisions of the Committee on 25.155 of which criminal proceedings have been initiated.
20,108 criminal proceedings have been completed during the year 4798 of which have been sent to court.
1768 motions on using detention as a pretrial measure have been submitted to court by the RA IC investigators 1424 of which have been sufficed.
The circumstance that the workload of the RA IC investigators has increased has been accentuated. Particularly, the average workload of one investigator during the year has made 111 criminal proceedings compared to 83 of the previous year, that is the workload has increased by 27,5%.
The total pecuniary damage caused by the crime found within the criminal proceedings completed in the RA Investigative Committee has made 7.299.459.415 AMD 1.705.747.972 AMD of which has been recovered.
The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Argishti Kyaramyan has drawn the attention of the heads of the functional subdivisions of the Committee to two significant issues.
Firstly, he emphasized that certain restrictions have been envisaged by the RA new Criminal Procedure Code for deadlines of criminal prosecution during preliminary investigation which forces to speed up procedural and evidentiary actions and make final procedural decisions under heavy workload conditions. The RA IC Chairman assigned to pay special attention to the observance of procedural deadlines to exclude the possibility for criminals to avoid criminal liability as a result of violation of the deadlines.
Secondly, taking into account the fact that according to the requirements of the new Criminal Procedure Code the institution of suspension of the proceedings has also disappeared, the RA IC Chairman assigned to fluently resolve the issue of restarting the formerly suspended proceedings and making final procedural decisions in the result of investigation.
At the extended board session it was stated that in 2022 6510 criminal proceedings have been investigated in the RA IC General Military Investigative Department and its subdivisions, preliminary investigation of 2112 out of 6510 or 32,4% has been completed. 544 of the completed proceedings on 586 persons has been completed with the bill of indictment which is by 58,3% more than in 2021.
The proceedings related to the aggressive war unleashed by Azerbaijan in 2020, as well as the criminal military encroachments by the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan against the territorial integrity of the Republic of Armenia in the period following it, crimes against military order of the RA Armed Forces continue to dominate in the criminal proceedings investigated in the General Military Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee.
The RA IC Chairman noted the urgent need to speed up the process of conducting a thorough investigation of these proceedings, making final legal assessments of the proceedings that have sufficient evidentiary basis and are at the final stage. The latter has not only a purely procedural, but also a historical significance in terms of solving the problem, on the one hand, to make clear criminal legal assessments of the activities of Azerbaijan, on the other hand, to exclude repeating past mistakes in the Armenian Armed Forces, to find out the causal relationships of military failures and to subject those responsible to criminal liability.
During the board session the results of the improvement of criminal procedure practice, increasing the attractiveness of the service at the Investigative Committee, initiatives at the RA IC aimed at reducing the disciplinary and procedural violations, as well as other issues have been considered and analyzed.
According to the sectors, the RA IC Chairman has given other specific assignments aimed at increasing the productivity and efficiency of the work.