19.02.15, 13:15

Four persons run over; a criminal case initiated

Four persons run over; a criminal case initiated

A criminal case was initiated in Yerevan Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee on running over 4 persons in Armenakyan Str. on 19 February.

While preparing the materials it was found that the car “Volkswagen” driven by the citizen Avetisyan drove off the roadway in Armenakyan Str. of administrative district of Norq-Marash and ran over pedestrians, including 29 year-old Anna Harutyunyan and her twin babies who were in the baby-cart and 82 year-old Anahit Karapetyan. In the result of the crash one of the babies died, the other is in critical condition in “Saint Mary” medical center. The babies’ mother is in hospital ‘Saint Gregory the Illuminator”, Anahit Karapetyan is in hospital of traumatology.

It was found that in the result of the crash the passenger of the car Gayane Zhamkochyan also sustained damages. She was also taken to hospital.

A criminal case was initiated according to the Part 2 of the Article 242 of RA Criminal Code. The driver was apprehended. Necessary measures are taken to find all the circumstances of the case.

The citizens who have witnessed the crash are asked to turn to Yerevan Investigative Department and tell about the circumstances known to them. (51, Khanjyan, Yerevan).