22.05.24, 14:03

H.Gh. Arrested on Suspicion of Attempt to Usurp Power; Criminal Prosecution Initiated against him

On May 21, 2024 a proper report on an apparent crime was received from the Police of the RA Ministry of Internal Affairs informing that there was a preparation to usurp power.

With regard to the report a criminal proceeding was initiated in General Department of Investigation of Crimes against the State, Fundamentals of the Constitutional Order and Public Security of the RA Investigative Committee according to the Part 1 of the Article 43-419 of RA Criminal Code.

Through investigation apparent data were obtained on the allegation that H.Gh., being the friend of the representative of the opposition political bloc and having anti-authority views, disagreeing with the foreign and domestic policy conducted by the leadership of the Republic of Armenia and having ideological enmity with it, realizing that according to the RA Constitution, the power in the Republic of Armenia belongs to the people, was intended to seize the power with persons not identified yet; namely to seize the buildings of the RA Government, RA National Assembly and the RA Police with a group of people, as well as by using violence to take over the powers of the National Assembly and the Government, in order to realize the goal they willfully created conditions, among them considered the issue of implementing it at the rally scheduled for May 26, 2024. However, under unforeseen circumstances, the mentioned person could not start the implementation of the mentioned acts, as the prepared particularly grave crime was disclosed by the employees of the Police of the RA Ministry of Internal Affairs.  

On the base of the sufficient data on committing a crime by H. Gh. obtained through investigation, a motion was submitted to the prosecutor by the investigator to initiate a criminal prosecution against H.Gh.. It was sufficed.

H.GH. was arrested. Preliminary investigation is ongoing. Large-scale measures are taken to find out the frame of those related to the above-mentioned case, and to find them.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.