International cooperation
11.11.16, 14:16

International Legal Definition of Human Trafficking; Armenia took part in UN expert group discussion for the first time

International Legal Definition of Human Trafficking; Armenia took part in UN expert group discussion for the first time

The Head of Department of Legal Provision and Statistics of Administration of the RA Investigative Committee D. Tumasyan took part in discussion entitled “International Legal Definition of Human Trafficking; Summary of Conducted Research and Analyses of Raised Issues” held in Wien on November 10-11, 2016. It was organized by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime and members of international expert group also took part in it.

20 experts in total were included in the international expert group presented from the USA, France, Great Britain, Romania, Singapore, Tunis, Thailand and other countries. Among CIS countries only the Republic of Armenia was invited the representative of which was the official from the RA Investigative Committee.

The discussions were held in the following three areas;

-clarification of concept of use of vulnerability,

-clarification of the condition when the victim’s agreement is not mandatory,

-clarification and interpretation of the concept of exploitation

In the result of the meeting the directory interpreting the three areas formed formerly by other experts was amended which, as a consultative document, will be presented to UN member-states to form common terminology and practice in fight against human trafficking. The typical law and directory of UNO on Fight against Human Trafficking were also discussed.

At the end of discussions the head of project of fight against trafficking of UN Office on Drugs and Crime, who was the coordinator of the project, expressed his satisfaction to the participants. He assured that it was the first step of the new cooperation as the office intended to continue the cooperation particularly with the countries taking part in the event for the first time, among which was Armenia.