27.11.23, 16:54

Investigators of Investigative Committee together with Japan Experts Improve Skills in the Field of Online Open-Source Intelligence Research and Analysis (photos)

Investigators of Investigative Committee together with Japan Experts Improve Skills in the Field of Online Open-Source Intelligence Research and Analysis (photos)

Based on relevant instructions of the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee the Department of Investigation of Cybercrime and High Technology Crime of General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases continues the series of training courses for investigators of territorial subdivisions of the Committee aimed at development of skills within the proceedings on high technology crimes and acquisition of electronic evidence.

Another course on «Open-Source Intelligence Research and Analysis» was held at the RA Academy of Justice during which materials provided by JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) were used.

The course was conducted by Sasun Grigoryan, the Deputy Head of the Department, who had had training at JICA, together with two experts of one of the world’s leading companies in «Trend Micro» cyber security industry, who have specially arrived from Japan.  

Sumiko Ikeda, Head of Consulate and Security Department of the Embassy of Japan in the RA, was also present at the course. The latter assessed highly the current level of cooperation between the RA Investigative Committee and the Embassy of Japan in the RA in the field of fight against cybercrime, due to which it became possible to organize both the conduction of the mentioned course and to ensure the participation of the investigators of the RA Investigative Committee in two training courses held in Japan in 2023.

During the course the possibilities and characteristics of the online open-source intelligence research and analysis software of one of the companies of international reputation, to be acquired by the RA Investigative Committee in the near future, were also presented.