17.10.16, 12:58

Investigatory actions conducted in the framework of the criminal case investigated in investigative department of RF Ministry of Internal Affairs

Investigatory actions conducted in the framework of the criminal case investigated in investigative department of RF Ministry of Internal Affairs

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on crash that took place on October 14 in which the bus of “Mercedes Benz” make with plate number 50 AA 515 travelling from Moscow to Yerevan was involved is ongoing in the proceeding of the subdivision of the Republic of North Ossetia of the investigative department of the RF Ministry of Internal Affairs.

By the instruction of the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee the representative of the RA IC to the RF investigative bodies Ilia Varov is in constant touch with Russian partners and information on the process of investigation is periodically reported to the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee.

Taking public interest into consideration, information on the process of investigation of the criminal case investigated in the proceeding of RF competent bodies is provided as much the publication of which does not hinder the further investigation of the case.

According to initial data, the crash took place on October 14 at about 04:10; on the 8th km of Vladikavkaz-Beslan road the passenger bus of “Mercedes Benz” make travelling from Moscow to Yerevan crashed into truck of “Skania R420LA4X2HNA” make carrying cars parked on the right side of the road the front part of which crashed into the car of “Lexus LX 570” make parked in front of it.

The crash caused death of the bus driver and 4 passengers, 3 of them were Russians, RF citizens, 2 of them, including the bus driver, were Armenians, RA citizens.  

A criminal case was initiated in the proceeding of the subdivision of the Republic of North Ossetia of the investigative department of the RF Ministry of Internal Affairs according to the Part 5 of the Article 264 of RF Criminal Code (Breach of traffic rules and operation of means of transportation which negligently caused death of two or more persons), an investigatory group was formed. In the framework of the criminal case forensic medical, forensic auto-technical examinations were commissioned, several people were questioned, including 26 passengers of the bus. The driver of the truck of “Skania R420LA4X2HNA” make was also questioned as a suspect.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.