14.10.16, 08:13

A criminal case initiated on crash of bus travelling from Moscow to Yerevan

A criminal case initiated on crash of bus travelling from Moscow to Yerevan

On October 14 at about 04:30 by Moscow time in North Ossetia - at 6 km distance from Beslan city the bus that was travelling from Moscow to Yerevan crashed.

By the instruction of the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee the representative of the RA IC to the RF investigative bodies Ilia Varov immediately contacted the competent bodies and was involved in the operational headquarter formed in the RF in relation with crash.

A criminal case was initiated in the proceeding of the subdivision of the Republic of North Ossetia of the investigative department of the RF Ministry of Internal Affairs according to the Part 5 of the Article 264 of RF Criminal Code (Breach of traffic rules and operation of means of transportation which negligently caused death of two or more persons). Working hypotheses have been worked out and necessary investigatory actions are conducted to find the causes of the crash.  

According to initial data, the crash caused 5 persons’ death three of which are Russians – RF citizens, two are Armenians – RA citizens one of whom is the driver. 27 persons sustained bodily injuries.

Information on the process of preliminary investigation is periodically reported to the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee. Additional information on circumstances found through investigation will be provided.