05.04.16, 16:29

Materials of service investigation on misrepresenting facts of criminal case by investigator sent by RA Investigative Committee to RA Special Investigatory Service

Materials of service investigation on misrepresenting facts of criminal case by investigator sent by RA Investigative Committee to RA Special Investigatory Service

Through service investigation conducted in the Department of Internal Security of the RA Investigative Committee sufficient data were obtained on misrepresenting the materials of the criminal case by an investigator investigated in his proceeding.

Through service investigation conducted on the base of the motion of Deputy Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee it was found that while working in Nairi Investigative Division of Kotayq Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee during preliminary investigation of the criminal case investigated in investigator V. Aleqsanyan’s proceeding  the CD containing wiretapping had been  forged.

Particularly, instead of the original CD on the mentioned wiretapping another CD was attached to the case where the records of some calls made through the phone number of the injured party were missing and the pages on the mentioned phone numbers were accordingly removed from the decoding package.  

Considering that there are features of crime in the results of service investigation by the instruction of the Chairman of the RA IC the materials of service investigation were sent to the RA Special Investigatory Service to proceed in the order defined by law.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.