10.02.15, 15:30

Materials on demanding bribe by the investigator sent to RA Special Investigative Service by RA Investigative Committee

Materials on demanding bribe by the investigator sent to RA Special Investigative Service by RA Investigative Committee

Initial examinations on the application on demanding bribe by the investigator have been implemented in the Department of Inner Security of RA Investigative Committee the results of which have been sent to RA Special Investigative Service.

Particularly, the Investigative Committee received the application of the prisoner of «Nubarashen» penitentiary L. Hovhannisyan accused of theft in the framework of the criminal case investigated in the Investigative Division of Avan and Nor Norq administrative district on demanding bribe by the investigator and the  head of department of Psychiatric hospital.

By the instruction of the Chairman of RA Investigative Committee initial examination has been implemented in the Department of Inner Security in the order defined by law.

In his explanation L. Hovhannisyan stated the circumstances mentioned in the application.

On February 4  a written report was taken from him according to which about 2 months ago (he did not remember the exact date) the investigator demanded a bribe of 500 USD to appoint additional forensic psychiatric assessment. However, he did not fulfill the requirement because of being hard up. The latter also told that during the forensic psychiatric assessment carried out in the framework of the same criminal case the head of the department of psychiatric hospital demanded a bribe of 8.000 USD to give a conclusion that he is mentally ill. But he did not fulfill the requirement because of the above-mentioned reason.

The results of the initial examination implemented in the Department of Inner Security of RA Investigative Committee were sent on the same day to RA Special Investigative Service according to investigative subbordination.