06.11.23, 16:12

Materials on two Persons within Proceeding on Hooliganism Committed at «Erablur» and Obstructing two Deputies’ Entry Sent to Court

Materials on two Persons within Proceeding on Hooliganism Committed at «Erablur» and Obstructing two Deputies’ Entry Sent to Court

Through investigation conducted in the Investigative Division of Malatia-Sebastia administrative districts significant circumstances of causing apparent physical impact to the Deputy of the RA National Assembly and hooliganism committed in «Erablur» pantheon on September 21, 2023, were found out.

A call was received form the Police informing that on September 21, 2023 there was an argument in «Erablur» military pantheon between the citizens and NA deputies H. Aslanyan and H. Aghazaryan during which the latters were dragged and scolded, NA deputy H. Aghasazaryan was also hit with hands and feet.

With regard to the case a criminal proceeding was initiated according to the Points 1 and 5 of the Part 2 of the Article 195 and the Point 1 of the Part 2 of the Article 297 of RA Criminal Code.   

Through preliminary investigation it was grounded that on September 21, 2023 at about 08:30 A.G. together with A.A. and a group of other persons not identified yet, being at the entrance of «Erablur» pantheon, grossly violating the public order and showing open contempt for legal and universally recognized moral norms, due to political views and party affiliation of the RA NA deputies of «My step» faction H. Aghazaryan and H. Aslanyan, who had visited «Erablur» military pantheon on the occasion of the state holiday of Armenia's independence, scolded them and made obscene expressions towards them for a long time.

Meanwhile A.G. willfully kicked once H. Aghazaryan on the thigh, and A.A. pushed and scolded the deputies. With these actions the deputies were obstructed and not allowed to enter «Erablur» military pantheon.

The actions of hooligan nature were stopped only as a result of the intervention of the police officers.

On the base of the obtained facts final charge was pressed against these two persons for the committal of the above-mentioned criminal acts according to the Point 1 of the Part 2 of the Article 297 of RA Criminal Code.

Detention was chosen as a pretrial measure against A.G..

Preliminary investigation on the part of the mentioned two persons was completed and the materials of the proceeding separated on them, were sent to court with the bill of indictment.

Preliminary investigation of the part on apparent involvement of other persons in hooliganism is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.