05.12.18, 06:42

Money in Particularly Large Amount, Gold Bars Found in Personal Bank Depositories of Former Director of “Saint Gregory the Illuminator” Medical Center CJSC (photos)

Money in Particularly Large Amount, Gold Bars Found in Personal Bank Depositories of Former Director of “Saint Gregory the Illuminator” Medical Center CJSC (photos)

Necessary investigatory and other procedural actions are ongoing in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee to find out all circumstances of apparent abuses found in “Saint Gregory the Illuminator” medical center CJSC.

As it was already informed, pursuant to preliminary investigation data, from 2016 to September 30, 2017 the former director of “Saint Gregory the Illuminator” medical center CJSC with a number of employees of the same company through forging documents and using forged documents, by cheating allegedly swindled money in particularly large amount provided from RA state budget within the program “Providing Employees of State Institutions and Organizations with a Social Package” involved in the contract on “Free-of Charge Medical Service with Favorable Terms Guaranteed by the State” signed between the RA Ministry of Health and “Saint Gregory the Illuminator” medical center CJSC.

Through comprehensive, complete and objective examination of the evidence obtained through preliminary investigation, through their analyses and joint assessment, by the investigator’s decision the former director of “Saint Gregory the Illuminator” medical center CJSC was involved as a defendant according to the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 178 and the Part 2 of the Article 325 of RA Criminal Code. Search was declared against him. Charge was pressed against two more former employees of the same company - former head of state order documentation service and the former deputy head of adults’ polyclinic according to the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 38-178 and the Part 2 of the Article 325 of RA Criminal Code.


In order to ensure the compensation of the damage caused to the state the money available in bank accounts of the defendant within the criminal case – the former head of “Saint Gregory the Illuminator” medical center CJSC - 272.900 USD in total, the latter's two apartments located at Kentron administrative district of Yerevan, real estate in provinces of Kotayk and Shirak, as well as moveables were seized by the investigative body.

Besides, 30.000 USD, 15.000 Euros, 31 gold bars of 999.9 standard and jewelry of 500 grams in total, as well as 39 commemorative coins made from gold and other valuable metals were confiscated from his personal bank depositories. 

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.