14.03.18, 11:58

Motion on abolishing conditions contributing to abuses in Goris State University

Motion on abolishing conditions contributing to abuses in Goris State University

In the result of comprehensive investigation conducted in the framework of the criminal case investigated in Goris Investigative Division of Syunik Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee on a number of abuses committed in Goris State University the conditions contributing to them were found and a motion was submitted to the Rector of “Goris State University” SNCO to take measures to abolish them. On the base of the writ received from SNCO in response to the motion materials are prepared.

Thus, in September, 2017 a call was received informing that the student of Faculty of Economy of distance education of Goris State University got positive marks in semester exams and quizzes without taking part in the lessons and exams.

In the result of necessary measures taken in the framework of the criminal case investigated in the RA IC Goris Investigative Division of Syunik Regional Investigative Department according to the Part 1 of the Article 311, the Part 1 of the Article 312, the Part 1 of the Article 313 and the Part 1 of the Article 34-312 of RA Criminal Code a number of circumstances of the case – the mechanism, the frame of those having committed the alleged crime were found, the actions of each of them were clarified.

Particularly, pursuant to the evidence obtained through preliminary investigation one of the employees of Goris State University made arrangements with mother of the student studying in Kapan branch of Yerevan Agricultural University on organizing her son's transfer to the third course of distance education of Goris State University to continue his study. The employee wrote the application to University Rector and signed instead of the student. It was also found that the student, being admitted to university, did not attend classes in 2016-2017 academic year and the latter's mother sent money to Faculty Dean through the university employee to provide the positive marks of the exams of the first semester. Pursuant to investigation data, in the second semester the student's mother again gave money to the same employee to provide the positive marks of the exams, however the latter did not give the money to the addressee and tried to organize everything herself through her relations in university.

On the base of the obtained evidence charge was pressed against three people and the criminal case with the bill of indictment was sent to court.

Besides, in the result of objective investigation other offences were also found in the same university.

Presenting the recorded offences in details Syunik Regional Investigative Department mediated “Goris State University” SNCO to consider the opportunity of putting positive marks in case of student’s absence, as well as taking quiz, exam or handing term paper by the student before the examination period starts. Besides, it was mediated to create a professional commission for the students who have not attended classes but have got positive marks in the exam subjects of the academic year.

The investigative department also mediated to mention the date of quiz, examination and term paper in student’s final assessment bulletin, to instruct the relevant people to make an appropriate note in the register-book in case of student’s absence, as well as to set a regulated order on the opportunity for the students to take part in the examination period depending on the number of their absentees.

The motion was discussed by “Goris State University” SNCO and based on the results a written response was sent to Goris Investigative Division of Syunik Regional Investigative Department.

According to SNCO’s writ on February 27, 2018 the Vice-Rector of “Goris State University” SNCO submitted an explanation to the Rector of the same university informing that the most part of the examinations, especially quizzes of distance education of Goris State University are passed in so called “mechanical way” without necessary check of knowledge, otherwise the 70-80% of the students of distance education will be exempted from university because of insufficient academic progress.

The circumstances mentioned in the writ in response to the motion have become a subject of investigation in Goris Investigative Division and materials are prepared as prescribed by law.