16.09.17, 14:14

RA IC Chairman took part in opening ceremony of new administrative building of Martuni Investigative Division (Photos)

RA IC Chairman took part in opening ceremony of new administrative building of Martuni Investigative Division (Photos)

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Aghvan Hovsepyan today took part in the opening ceremony of the new administrative building of Martuni Investigative Division of Gegharquniq Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee. The governor of Gegharquniq region Karen Botoyan was also present at the opening ceremony of the building.

The RA IC Chairman toured in the building, got acquainted with the new working conditions. 

The Investigative Division of Martuni did not have a separate administrative building and in order to improve working conditions in 2017 area with surface of 328 square meters located at 3 G. Nzhdeh, Martuni, Gegharkunik region was given to the RA IC Administration for free use by the RA Government. It has been completely renovated with the amount provided from the RA state budget; 11.226.429 AMD was provided and spent.

The investigative division was furnished, provided with modern equipment, internet connection and internal computer network. The area has 13 work rooms, including a room planned for minors’ interrogation, a room for maintenance of evidence and recognition rooms with appropriate equipment. 

By the order of the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee the Head of the RA IC Martuni Investigative Division of Gegharquniq Regional Investigative Department Artur Avagyan was awarded a medal of the 4th degree “For Impeccable Service”, one investigator – with monetary encouragement in the amount of one month’s salary for conscientious performance of their duties.

The Investigative Committee continues taking consistent steps to improve the working conditions of territorial subdivisions due to which the conduction of investigatory actions is organized in a more efficient way.

Since October 2014 the administrative buildings of Syuniq, Kotayq, Aragatsotn, Vayots Dzor Regional Investigative Departments, Masis Investigative Division of Ararat Regional Investigative Department, Vardenis Investigative Division of Gegharkunik Regional Investigative Department, Yerevan Investigative Department, Investigative Divisions of Arabkir and Shengavit administrative districts have been renovated.