14.08.19, 12:26

Report on Complex Examination within Criminal Case on Willful Concealing of Information about Pollution of Environment Related to Exploitation of Amulsar Gold Mine

Report on Complex Examination within Criminal Case on Willful Concealing of Information about Pollution of Environment Related to Exploitation of Amulsar Gold Mine

Taking public interest into consideration we inform that within the criminal case investigated in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee on willful concealing of information about pollution of environment by officials related to exploitation of Amulsar Gold Mine on March 18, 2019 ecological, geological, hydrological, geophysical, chemical, construction and engineering complex examination was commissioned conduction of which was tasked to expert group of Advanced Resources Development (ELARD).

On August 7, 2019 the final report was sent to the investigative body by experts. It was translated from English into Armenian by the relevant subdivision of the Investigative Committee. Today the report in bilingual version is available to public.

You can read the report below

Independent Assessment-Amulsar report.

Supplemental Mitigation_Contingent Measures