22.12.17, 08:04

Search declared against former deputy director of «Dilijan National Park» SNCO within criminal case on illegal tree-felling in «Dilijan National Park» SNCO

Search declared against former deputy director of «Dilijan National Park» SNCO within criminal case on illegal tree-felling in «Dilijan National Park» SNCO

Investigatory actions of great volume are taken in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee to identify those involved in illegal tree-felling in different sections of «Dilijan National Park» SNCO, to personalize the actions of each of them. Search was declared against former Deputy Director of «Dilijan National Park» SNCO.

Through preliminary investigation of the criminal case it was found that from November 16, 2016 to May 17, 2017 V. Vasilyan held the position of Deputy Director of «Dilijan National Park» SNCO, head of division who carried out the duties of the Director of «Dilijan National Park» SNCO from February 15 to April 28, 2017 when the latter was on holiday.

Pursuant to preliminary investigation data, while carrying out the duties of the Director of «Dilijan National Park» SNCO by V. Vasilyan – from February 19 to April 26, 2017 cases of illegal felling of 471 trees of different types and diameters were found in a number of sections of «Haghartsin Area», «Dilijan Area» and «Shamakhyan Area». As a result, damage in particularly large amount - 72.056.250 AMD was inflicted to nature.

Being an official carrying out organizational-management, administrative-economic functions V. Vasilyan used his official position against service interests – he did not provide the law enforcement bodies with information about the park regime violation, did not take any measures to compensate the damage caused by it to nature. The latter's actions caused grave consequences; the damage amount inflicted to nature was not calculated, measures were not taken in time to reveal the cases of illegal tree-felling, to bring the person or persons having committed the alleged crime to liability, as well as to restore the damage in particularly large amount inflicted to the state.

On the base of the obtained evidence on December 21, 2017 a decision was made to involve V. Vasilyan as a defendant according to the Part 2 of the Article 308 of RA Criminal Code, detention was chosen as a pretrial measure against him and search was declared. The relevant subdivisions of the Police were tasked to take measures to find the wanted and bring him to the investigative body.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.